Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Greatest 1950s Stories Ever Told: "The Black Cougar!"

The second story in the collection is a Tomahawk story drawn by the great Frank Frazetta! In the 1950's comic book companies were relying less and less on super hero stories and were putting more effort into other genres. Tomahawk is a fine example of the frontier comic. I guess he's supposed to be like the legendary Daniel Boone with the coon-skin cap and all. He's got a side-kick named Dan....hmmmmm, maybe in the DC re-writing of history, Daniel was his boy wonder!

This tale is about an evil, two-faced warden who works secretly with the criminals he's supposedly capturing, and who, at the same time, is also dressing up in a giant black blanket or cloak as the Black Cougar to run guns to stereotypical Indians. He does this by placing them secretly into the contents of covered wagons that Tomahawk is leading. Tomahawk and his little buddy Dan figure this out, but they don't figure out that the warden, the insidious white guy with a mustache and goat-tee, is the evil trouble-making Black Cat, someone who would sell his fellow palefaces out to the easily upsettable Indians.

What I enjoyed most about this story was the use of the term "black cougar" and the ferocious little portrait that went along with it in the panel above!

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