Here's a list of my favorites with my reasons why they are:
Aquaman, Aqualad, Mera: Aquaman was my favorite Super-Friend when everyone else seemed to deride him. Characters and people who get the fuzzy end of the lollipop always seem to draw my attention, so when Aquaman became my favorite and I discovered he had a family (how cool!) they were included by default onto my list.

Krypto the Superdog: He's so cute and loveable. I like that he just romps about space. Superboy must have thought he was above obeying any leash laws!

The Wonder Twins: Everyone hates them. I love them.

Brainiac: I'm attracted to his green skin and his li'l pink outfit. I love him for his mind too.

Dr. Fate: He lives in a tower without any doors and windows and he wears a golden helmet over his head. I relate to his insecurity issues. His adventures are some of the downright wackiest, arcane stories I've ever read.

Supergirl: While she's the cutest of the cute, she also has a true and noble heart. Plus her stories are some of the most f-ed up that I've ever read. She would date her super-horse sometimes because he had the ability to become a dreamy guy for a day every 1000 years. Classic!

Rex the Wonder Dog: Who can't love a dog who can ride a horse or do complex calculus?

Wonder Woman: She was always very nice! She would give rides to Aquaman when nobody else would.

Batgirl (Barbara Gordon): She's the Batman with flare!

Vixen: Grrrrrrr!

Justice League Detroit: Heck, I love 'em all! (even the dead ones...)

Hawkwoman: I have a thing for hot red-headed supercharacters. (Mera, Batgirl, and now Hawkwoman - roar!)

Atom: I look out for the little guys.

Captain Marvel (Shazam): The most underrated DC character out there. I'm awfully scared DC's gonna screw this character up real soon...

Shining Knight: Gotta dig Frank Frazetta's run on this series. Got into him because of my love for the All-Star Squadron.

Robotman: Jimmy Thompson, who wrote and drew Robotman for awhile, is a god.

Doll Man: He's the first naked super-hero I've seen. Check out his little ass in Secret Origins #8!

Isis: She's DC, shut up.

Air Wave: I got all the back issues of Action Comics in which Alex Saviuk did the art chores for the back-up features. Air Wave would alternate issues with the Atom or Aquaman. Every third issue two of the characters would team up before one of them replaced the other the next issue.

Congorilla: This man can switch minds with an ape!

Driq: During the Millenium toward the end of the 80's, this Green Lantern character shows up. He's dead but his ring won't let his spirit go.

Nova Woman: An imaginary lover for Superman in a back-up story in Action Comics right before he got the ol' reboot! She was also an imaginary librarian. Question: Why is Jimmy's dream date the drag version of himself, and what did "she" do to his eyes?

Captain Comet: He has such a cool name! That's why.

I love Justice League Detroit. Yeah, it's pretty dumb at times. I don't care. That's the only time I read Justice League. It was pretty cool, esp. at first. And I like the George Tuska art on the Amazo story.
And I certainly remember Captain Comet from the totally awesome Secret Society of Super-Villains series in the 1970s.
Scipio has written a lot on Justice League Detroit, as I'm sure you know. And except for Vibe, he's NOT VERY NICE to them!
Grrr! I'll get you, Scipio!
If Gypsy's back, I may have to start buying new comics again!
Hey, Hoosier, thanks for your comments!
Too bad Scipio's down on our Detroit gang, maybe he'll change his tune after reading the latest Classified stories.
I didn't realize this, but I believe Gypsy is also now appearing in the One Year Later issues of the Birds of Prey. I may have to check them out myself!
An essay idea for you, j.p.
I've seen this meme a bunch of times: Justice League Detroit was just DC giving in to the trends of the time and making the JLA more like the X-Men and/or Teen Titans.
Originally, I was kinda "yeh, SFW?"
But then I started thinking about Justice League Detroit, and how it's a mixture of old veterans, an alien, several new characters, in a bunker in a Detroit neighborhood, and I went, Huh? How is that like the Teen Titans or the X-Men?
The meme is CRAP, dude! It's just one of those things that gets said over and over again, and the people who like Justice League Detroit (you and me and, uh, two or three other people) weren't really bothered enough by the meme to realize it's CRAP!
I think Justice League Detroit was more like the Cap's Kooky Kwartet Era of the Avengers (# 16 and on for several years after that). Think about it: The original Avengers all left, Captain America stayed on and brought in some unknown quantities, they all lived at the mansion and had to deal with each other.
If nobody has written this essay by the time I get some free time, I'll write it. But it might be a while.
I'll show Scipio! He makes me so MAD! I'm going over to Absorbascon RIGHT NOW to provoke the conservatives!
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