Gypsy hasn't seen a lot of action since the Detroit version of the Justice League bit the big one in 1987. She's played minor roles in the DC universe here and there after a bunch of her buddies were killed off, but this month she's already appeared in two comics (that I know of)! One was in the Justice League Classified issue I just blogged about, and the other is the latest issue of Justice League Unlimited a series aimed at the younger audience. Actually, this series has always been one of the better comics DC puts out each month. It's story and character driven opposed to being caught up in the continuity claptrap DC's forcing us to acknowledge in all its other books.

Gypsy has one of the greatest costumes ever! She's got the thrift-store aesthetic. Kind of a mix of the early-to-mid 80's Cyndi Lauper and Madonna looks. The patchwork skirt and all the hoopy-type jewelry everywhere really works for her, and look: barefeet! Who needs super-hero boots when you're sneaking around everywhere? In a world of spandex, Gypsy was often misunderstood and underrated, but she lives by her own rules and isn't scared to be herself (even though it is her power to blend in...).
Gypsy rocks!
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